Saturday, May 24, 2014

Consumer Protection Agency in Medan (LPKM) Refused Increment of Kuala Namu Airport Tax

19 May 2014.

Medan, North Sumatra. The Consumer Protection Agency in Medan Medan (LPKM) refused the increment of passenger service charge (PJP2U) or usually known as airport tax in Kuala Namu International Airport that was planned by PT Angkasa Pura II on 19 May 2014 as it will be a burden to the consumer.

“The increment of airport tax will be a burden to the consumer, especially those from middle lower economy class,” the Head of LPKM K Anwar, SH, M.Si, on Sunday (18/5).

According to him, although PT Angkasa Pura II had the authority to increase the airport tax tariff but they should consider the people’s financial condition.

He said that management of Angkasa Pura II should conduct a study that involves the local government and consumer agency to understand the people’s respond so that they could answer to the people’s complaints.

Anwar said that not every passenger that departed from Kuala Namu airport will agree with the new airport tax that Angkasa Pura II set for domestic flight for Rp. 35,000 to Rp. 60,000 per person.
He said that not every passenger that left from Kuala Namu airport came from decent financial status.
He said that air transportation had been the main alternative for transportation to the people either for domestic route or international route.
Therefore, they urged PT Angkasa Pura II to re assess their decision to increase the airport tax tariff for Kuala Namu airport. “If the airport tax was implemented without taking into the consumer’s rights into consideration, we will proceed to take legal action for the consumers’ sake that had been neglected by PT Angkasa Pura II,” Anwar said.
Service Quality
Beside refusing increment of airport tax, they also criticized the quality of service and the price of products sold inside the airport.
“The price of foods and drinks within the airport are up to three times the normal price,” he said.
Anwar said that the operator of Kuala Namu airport should take into consideration the people’s purchasing power and providing cheaper food that is reachable to every element of the people.
Previously the Corporate Secretary of PT Angkasa Pura II, Daryanto said that the increment of airport tax will be implemented in three airports, they are Kuala Namu airport, Sultan Syarif Kasim II in Pekanbaru and H. A. S. Hanandjoeddin airport in Tanjung Pandan.
The airport tax in those three airports will be increased for return of investment during the development of the airport.
Although the airport had only been opened in mid-2013, the revision of tariff had been implemented.
He said that the increment of airport tax had been planned for some time as up to the moment, the new airport is still using the old tariff that was previously implemented in Polonia Airport in Medan.

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