Friday, May 30, 2014

Indonesia Food Security Lag Behind Singapore

26 May 2014

Indonesia lag behind from Singapore and the other South-east Asian countries in term of food security rating for year 2014. The rating was compiled by The Economist and it was made according to three indicators such as: consumer’s purchasing power, food availability and the quality and safety of the food. They recorded Indonesia has several weakness such as in budget for agriculture research, corruption, and gross domestic product.
Gustami Harahap, Lecturer of Agriculture Faculty in Medan Area University (UMA), said that this fact is very disappointing as Indonesia is an agriculture country that had huge natural resources. He said that Indonesia may face food crisis as the food supply in this nation drops from time to time. “As our birth rate is very high, it will automatically affect to food consumption rate. People been moving from villages to the cities, poverty rate has increased, the land that could be cultivated decreased. This is the biggest humanity problem in Indonesia and in the world,” he said during the API (Planter Association Indonesia) seminar on Saturday (24/5).

He believed that Indonesia’s rank was a reflection of internal and external factor. Internal factor correlated with issues such as land conversion, mobilization of work for the farmers and seasonal crops. “The government is not strict enough to set agriculture priority areas, people’s understanding on this issue is decreasing, pressures of life, farmers’ social economy condition and government’s negligence,” he said.

As for external factors, he said that the situation that Indonesia faced is also being affected by free market, revitalization of agriculture and utilization of research and technology. In regarding to free market, he said that although it is important for distribution of food, the farmers may not be able to compete against the pressure of international market. Besides that, he also said that free market and revitalization are usually dominated by several people’s importance such as the companies and government officials that only prioritized themselves.

“Import cases that involve politicians in this country proved that there is something wrong. Trade system in this country is similar to ‘moneylenders’. What is Bulog’s (Indonesian National Logistic Agency) role? They should be the price controller. But now they were the cheap rice distributors. I am confused, had their role changed?” he asked.

In regarding to the utilization of research and technology, he said the availability of supportive equipment at laboratories in Indonesian Universities is far from adequate. He questioned the Research and Technology Institution’s (Litbang) role. Besides that he also questioned the Ministry, Agencies of Agriculture and Plantation’s role that are not good enough. “Government loves discourses, but the implementation is not as good,” he said.

Agriculture Downstream

Gustami Harahap highlighted the importance of agriculture downstream. He said that the government should support the farmers to promote investors to invest in downstream industries. “If the government wanted to increase revenue in real sectors, they should ease the regulations so that the business world could develop. If they only prioritized income from non-real sector such as tax, then poverty and unemployment rate will increase,” he said.

Kasyful Mahalli, economy observer, had similar view to Gustami Harahap. One issue that he wanted to highlight is: the government should come up with master plan and to think about the future of the farmers and the students in agriculture majors. “Students that graduated from agriculture sectors now work at banking, capital market and other sectors. This is because the government could not provide jobs for them. They were also reluctant to become a farmer so they prefer to work in such sectors,” he said.

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